Average Consumer With an Internet Connection Watches 7 Videos Per Day

7 videos per day

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According to Forrester Research,

The average consumer with an internet connection watches nearly 2,500 videos per year.

That is an average of approximately 206 videos per month!

That is an average of approximately 7 videos per day!

Your target customer is watching videos, and if they were looking for the information you have, they could be watching your videos.

Forrester Research has also published findings that it is 50 times easier to rank on the first page with Google if you have a video than with text alone.

People who watch videos on your page stay on that page an average of about 2 minutes longer. Google seeks to give searchers information that searchers are looking for, and it is an indicator that Google is doing this successfully if the searcher stays on a page instead of clicking back to search results or to another page or website.

Especially in the age of mobile devices, visitors are more likely to stay on a page with video because it is easier to listen to a video than to scroll and scan for answers in the written text. It makes sense that Google tends to reward sites that keep visitors on their pages for longer periods of time, and those rewarded sites often deliver their content through video.

If you consider that 64% of consumers are more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it, you must realize that you are passing up a big opportunity for your business if you are not using video to provide helpful and educational information to your target customers.

Your firm’s ideal clients are searching online for answers you can provide. They are seeking topical video and written content that provides helpful information, demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and creates a loyal relationship. Improve your firm’s bottom line, recognition, and capacity for top results by optimizing your lead generation efforts with video content marketing. Fill out the form below for information on getting started!