Will My Videos Go Viral?


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Anyone within earshot of the news or pop culture hears talk of “going viral” as a measure of success in online video. Someone who does not know better may be inclined to believe that his video content produced and published for video content marketing purposes should be judged by the same standard. When Videos go viral, they are the exceptions. While it is great if one of your videos goes viral for the right reasons, that is not even a part of the strategy in most video content marketing. Videos that go viral may have a lot of “reach”, but they typically lack relevance for a specific searcher’s needs

The correct strategy is to provide niche information and niche solutions for exactly the type of customers and types of questions or problems they are facing. The goal is to educate and help your ideal customer to build loyalty so these people become paying clients.

Online video is accessible to a very large number of people. Viral videos reach a lot of those people. However, online video also offers the opportunity to meet online searchers with information that is very relevant to their specific needs. If you publish lots of new relevant information consistently, your chances of making successful connections continually multiply.

Your firm’s ideal clients are searching online for answers you can provide. They are seeking topical video and written content that provides helpful information, demonstrates expertise, builds trust, and creates a loyal relationship. Improve your firm’s bottom line, recognition, and capacity for top results by optimizing your lead generation efforts with video content marketing. Fill out the form below for information on getting started!