Tag: BitChute

Odysee.com Report

Odysee has overtaken BitChute as the best competitor to YouTube. It is a decentralized, blockchain-based online video platform based on the LBRY hosting platform. The videos tend to load much better than BitChute, and the content is much more diverse, at least when compared to BitChute’s trending content that tends toward more extreme free speech …

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BitChute Report

BITCHUTE.COM If you are looking for the best Alt-Tech parallel to YouTube, look at Odysee. BitChute used to be the top contender, but at the time of writing their “edgy” content that would be hidden by the YouTube algorgithm or outright banned/deplatformed tends to dominate the experience. To their credit, BitChute is allowing its users …

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List of Computing Forever Videos YouTube Deleted – and CTA to use BitChute & Odysee instead

Ray Vahey Discusses Bitchute’s Banning on Indiegogo – with Dave Cullen of Computing Forever