16 Video Marketing Tips from VidSummit 2015

16 video tips from vidsummit 2015

Here are 16 video marketing tips from vidsummit 2015, according to ReelSEO:

#1 Every successful YouTube campaign has 3 components: attract, retain, and monetize.
#2 Pre-roll and in-display ads are the cheapest way to earn massive views from a highly targeted audience.
#3 Deleting a poorly performing video can dramatically improve your channel’s overall ability to rank.
#4 Translate your main tags into foreign languages for increased international viewership
#5 Every video platform is unique and requires different storytelling techniques.
#6 Videos on Facebook receive a much faster POP in view counts while videos uploaded to YouTube receive much higher view counts over a longer period of time (long tail).
#7 Set up remarketing lists based on who watched, liked, commented, and shared.
#8 Of the top 10 celebrities voted by millennials, half are YouTubers. Audiences today have moved beyond traditional media.
#9 YouTube is able to provide much more actionable data than TV.
#10 There are two main campaign strategies in working with YouTubers.
#11 Take time to write a script as a team.
#12 Use paid ads instead of focus groups.
#13 Consistency & branding are the biggest factor in success on YouTube.
#14 Consumers have rated YouTubers “as trustworthy” as people they already know.
#15 User satisfaction is the key to SEO.
#16 Videos on a web page need contextual elements to increase on page engagement.

We will comment on each of these in the future… Some of these tips do or do not apply in different situations, and some have unaddressed implications… The ReelSEO article elaborates on each of these tips, as well:
