Afraid of Running Out of Ideas? – Thoughts on Ensuring Sustained Content Development

are you afraid of running out of ideas

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Whether it happens at the very outset or after some experience exploring the various facets of relevant topics for the target market, one fear that inevitably arises at some point in the course of a company’s content marketing program is that there may not be enough ideas for content. Writer’s block is an issue that has surely existed since of the dawn of written language, yet writers have managed to communicate much more since then… In fact, some have suggested that as much content as was created before 2003 is created every 48 hours as of 2010, but that hinges on whether you are counting user-generated content.

When it comes to content creation and content development, writer’s block is a relevant topic for discussion. One way to stoke the fire is collaboration: You can solicit ideas from your coworkers or bounce ideas off of them in a brainstorming session. New perspectives may illuminate topics and tangents that you had not thought about considering. CMI recently published an article suggesting ways to interact effectively when tasking coworkers as contributors. The five points listed essentially boil down to emphasizing creative ideas over pressure while still maintaining deadlines to ensure the content ideas are submitted. This is the benefit of collaboration, and the editor can turn rough ideas into a completed content item.

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