YouTube to Become One Big, PC, Censored “Safe Space”?

YouTube Safe Space Censorship Demonetizing

Google-owned YouTube has some new policies regarding monetization of video containing content involving subjects or events that are controversial or sensitive… This could be construed (and applied?) many ways, and it sure sounds like it is describing most things that are really worth talking about; That is, anything “newsworthy”… If Google retains control to determine which topics can and cannot make money for the video creators, abusive censorship could be in the cards.

People left NBC, CBS, ABC, and the other TV media 20 years ago to have uncensored access to information on the Internet, but today we have Google, Twitter, and FaceBook limiting what can be profitable and what can be said or shown, and they prioritize content according to their biases. The lesser niche sites that are like the Newsweeks and grocery checkout women’s magazines of the internet are similarly guilty. Perhaps The Internet requires a new push for Decentralization?

The Duran and report the following changes from YouTube regarding demonetization (disabling advertisements that make money for video creators) if the content is “politically incorrect”:

Social media is now starting to push the politically correct mantra to official levels. Twitter has already been moving quickly in this direction as was witnessed when it banned Milo Yiannopoulos for his Ghostbuster comments. Now a new “advertiser friendly” policy is being introduced by YouTube that will effectively punish users who express politically incorrect opinions or dare to offend viewers. The punishment will be doled out in the form of de-monetizing content.

The article continues:

YouTube will retain the right to demonetize any videos that contain… “Controversial or sensitive subjects and events, including subjects related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters and tragedies, even if graphic imagery is not shown.” Also in the demonetization crosshairs… “Inappropriate language, including harassment, profanity and vulgar language.”

Infowars reports further on YouTube’s new censorship policy…

YouTube’s new policy will completely disincentivize YouTubers from discussing politically incorrect topics or expressing controversial opinions because they know they will be punished for doing so.

All in the name of being “advertiser-friendly?” Online video watchers don’t want ads… We talk about content over advertisement, but in this case, content is suffering due to advertisement concerns. Has the same thing happened with television? If advertising was not a concern, would there be more integrity, freedom, and diversity of messages on television? Or, could we chalk all of this controlled content up to something more sinister?

The article can be viewed HERE.