MEDIA TREND: Government-Backed Russian Fake News Conspiracy Theory Ignores Giant Donkey in Room

giant-donkeyAs the Lying Press and The Mainstream Media continue to assert a “Russian Conspiracy” affected the outcome of the US Presidential Election and attempt to tar their more successful small online competitors as “Fake News” when their stories are not twisted to fit into the PC Narrative, it is hard for the rest of us to ignore the biased and clearly intentional effect of this same US Establishment Media in opposing Donald Trump’s candidacy.

They went after the “deplorables” even harder following Trump’s victory in the election. To anyone watching, it should be clear that The Establishment Media is looking to place blame for their own failure to ensure a Democratic Party Presidential win, and they want to prevent this mistake from happening again by eliminating their competition. Their strategy appears to be to tell bigger lies, apparently relying on their “credibility“…

They seemingly have not learned their lesson, as their previous efforts played into the “trolling effect” masterfully played by Trump for his own benefit. Did the Establishment Press not get the memo that their efforts were at their expense?

While we may laugh at the absurdity of a “Russian Right-Wing Media Conspiracy” – especially when the Establishment Press has come to so clearly mimic Soviet-style propaganda – we need to be sure not to underestimate their evil efforts as they underestimated “Middle America”.

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